Vibrant public schools are the wellspring of democracy. They ensure that ALL kids have the opportunity to reach their highest potential.
That starts with safe, welcoming schools where every child of every race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and ability is supported and celebrated for who they are and the potential within them.
We believe successful public schools prepare students to become good citizens. Where people of all backgrounds come together to learn, engage, gain knowledge and develop the skills necessary to shape a better future.
The fight for public education is at its heart a fight for American communities and democracy itself. There is no more immediate demonstration of democracy at work than vibrant learning communities that welcome ALL the neighborhood children.
Excellent public schools not only teach kids how to participate in a democracy: they also serve as a shining exemplar of what democracy can accomplish.
Our kids are moving the world forward with intellectual vigor, curiosity, awareness, and greater acceptance. We must meet this moment by expanding support and learning to offer educational equity to ALL kids.
Yet the institution of public school is under attack.
Some groups want to destroy public education as we know it, taking us backwards by igniting fear and division to score political points. Their goal? A stratified system of unregulated, religious-based, discriminatory, taxpayer funded private schools that benefit the wealthy families and disadvantage working- and middle-class families.
We can turn away from division and work together respectfully so our neighborhood schools can cohere as vibrant learning communities.
Advocates for Inclusive Education (AFIE) believes that Inclusion and equity in education is vital to a thriving democracy because it provides all students with a fair chance to succeed.
By joining together, speaking up at school board meetings and voting in local elections, we will uphold the freedom to learn and protect the fundamental right of every child to a public education that prepares them for the future.
Throughout 2021–2023, 17 organizations shared serious concerns about CB policies. You can read their letters here.
Read the latest on our blog:
The Issues
In 2021 many Bucks County schools faced a tidal wave of restrictions against teachers, books, curriculum, and freedoms for students.
Many school boards introduced divisive, discriminatory, and restrictive policies that limited our children's potential, hurt staff morale, divided the community, and threatened the very future of our children’s education.
All of that changed in November of 2023 when Central Bucks and Pennridge School district voters rejected fear, intolerance, and division by electing new pro-public education school boards.
In doing so voters sent a resounding message about education: Our children should all have the freedom to learn, to pursue their dreams, and to access a quality education that prepares them for success in a changing world.
What We Do
We are a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to empower our community to defend our public schools as places where all children learn and grow together.
Together, we are fighting for classrooms where students and teachers can freely learn and engage in honest conversation, unafraid of backlash, and schools that foster every student’s unique growth and development.
We engage in advocacy, education, and organizing to ensure ALL children have the opportunity to reach their highest potential. E Pluribus Unum.
Take Action:
Democracy is an ongoing process and it takes attention, work, and perseverance. It’s never finished, It’s always vulnerable. It needs YOU.
The effort to dismantle public education by igniting fear and division to score political points is decades old. Although the policies to which we objected have been neutralized, we know what happens when we look away and think someone else is minding public education: our issues lose big.
By continuing to work together, speaking up at school board meetings and voting in local elections, we can make our schools places where every child belongs and can thrive.