We ALL must call out misinformation and share the truth about school libraries in CBSD
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

We ALL must call out misinformation and share the truth about school libraries in CBSD

If you were out and about this week you probably saw the new misinformation campaign scattered about Bucks County. You know: the ones where it looks like anyone wants porn in our schools and young children are now asking their parents what that even means.

These fear-mongering tactics only serve to divide and upset. They’re meant to distract us from the real issues impacting our kids’ education and our collective power in deciding what solutions might look like.

It’s crucial that we as a community step in and offer our support to protect our kids’ rights to access information and diverse perspectives.

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Education: not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

Education: not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.

In a pluralistic society, we must make clear that ALL the families are welcome in our schools: all faith traditions, all races, all ethnicities, all abilities, and all identities of every kind. Our schools do not choose which kids are more welcome than others; they welcome them all. Our variety is beautiful, vibrant, healthy, and a source of strength. And those different kids need different books to reflect and amplify their different experiences.

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CBSD: Love thy neighbor as thyself and do not accuse them of horrendous intent
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

CBSD: Love thy neighbor as thyself and do not accuse them of horrendous intent

The compulsion to depict opponents as low and immoral is dangerous. It harms all of us. It destroys fruitful debate. It closes minds, poisons hearts, sows the seeds of anger, deters anyone from speaking up to voice their concerns. 

We call for a return to good policy with principled deliberation, research-based decision making, and a commitment to the best interest of all our students.

We call for strong leadership that sets an example by refuting the demonization of those with whom we disagree, maintaining order, quelling chaos, and settling in to the hard work of governing our schools.

We call for rational debate on policies that will revive our schools and enhance our children’s ability to learn and grow to their highest potential.

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The schools our children deserve.
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

The schools our children deserve.

If our schools could continue their great work, to thrive and grow to their highest potential, what would that look like?

It would mean that every family and every child felt a sense of belonging in their neighborhood school. It would mean that the adults in our community would center the needs of ALL our children and communicate about ways to protect and care for the values, rights, and freedoms of every child. It would mean that ALL parents would know that their values mattered to their children’s educators and would be honored and respected, even while their child met and pondered values different from their families’.

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CBSD advances anti-inclusive sports participation policy
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

CBSD advances anti-inclusive sports participation policy

ALL students have the right to equal participation in sports and we must work to find ways to serve all athletes in the best ways possible.

We call on CBSD to work together to offer the important benefits of sports—community, connection, social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development—for all young people including transgender youth, who want to participate on the team according to their gender identity, which is who they are, not their sex assigned at birth, which is who they are not.

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Two banned books in CBSD used to “justify” bad library policy.
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

Two banned books in CBSD used to “justify” bad library policy.

Gender Queer and This Book is Gay are being held up as “justification” for a regressive library policy that allows for a snippet of sexual content to qualify a book for removal, and jeopardizes dozens of books of literary merit including Melissa, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Bluest Eye, Looking for Alaska, The 57 Bus, unless the book is considered a “classic” and then is oddly protected.

This raises the question of whether those who favor book removals have read many classics:

A Tale of Two Cities centers around a rape and murder.

The Great Gatsby is an elaborate tale of adultery.

The Odyssey depicts its title character held in sexual slavery twice.

Brave New World contains two orgies.

The Crucible contains a scene between an adulterous husband and a 16-year-old servant girl with whom he had an affair, in which she says, “You sweated like a stallion when I come near.”

Fun fact: all of the above have been part of our CURRICULUM: they were assigned to kids, not just lying on a shelf in the library for them to read if they chose.

Where is the dividing line between “classic” and “modern” and therefore ripe for removal? Why is this okay and our newer books are not?

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So called “gender ideology” is a made-up term used to frighten the uninformed and against transgender rights.
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

So called “gender ideology” is a made-up term used to frighten the uninformed and against transgender rights.

This week we take a look at false claims of “gender ideology” in the classroom. Turns out it’s an invented term with a long history of intentional scapegoating. These days it shows up as “justification” for American legislation written under the false premise of “protection from sexualization.” Take for example Florida’s Don’t Say Gay Bill, our own (not very successful) Canadian gadfly protestor, and proposed federal legislation.

That’s quite a lot of traction for a term that means nothing.

The term that does mean something is gender identity, and it has nothing to do with alleged sexualizing of children.

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Hey CBSD: What’s up with Moms for Liberty?
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

Hey CBSD: What’s up with Moms for Liberty?

The Moms for Liberty agenda is not about ALL kids and it’s certainly not about strengthening our community schools. It’s about power, naked, raw power, and money. It’s about electing their candidates, eradicating the Department of Education, humiliating teachers, and opening the door to the end of public education as we know it.

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Central Bucks School District & Pennridge School District: Parents’ rights to keep agenda-driven outsiders away from our public schools.
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

Central Bucks School District & Pennridge School District: Parents’ rights to keep agenda-driven outsiders away from our public schools.

Who knows best what local schools in Central Bucks and Pennridge need? Warrior Moms in Sarasota FL? Charter school magnates/idealogues in Hillsdale MI? Lawyer/activists in Harrisburg PA? Or you, your neighbors and friends, and the teachers in your child’s own school?

What those from Sarasota, Hillsdale, and Harrisburg have in common is a desire to spread their agendas nationwide, without consideration for what will help our kids, whom they don’t know. They disregard best practices and established guidelines for good policy and inclusive education to push a partisan take on identity and history for their own purposes.

Educators should in be charge of educational decisions, not politically motivated national groups that want to take over all education.

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LGBT kids deserve to THRIVE—not merely survive—in Central Bucks School District. Just like every other kid.
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

LGBT kids deserve to THRIVE—not merely survive—in Central Bucks School District. Just like every other kid.

What matters is that every child finds in school a place of belonging, where they can be proud of their unique gifts, where they can find the education they need to realize their highest, noblest potential. All children must be appreciated, validated, accepted, and treated fairly in order to achieve their best. Marginalized children in particular need schools that actively welcome and protect them, as feeling unsafe is a genuine barrier to a child’s education.

That requires policy and curriculum reform to foster dignity and belonging and children’s ability to thrive, not just survive, in school.

Yet, for the past 18 months, in a national climate attacking the rights and humanity of LGBTQ people, we have seen no such district-wide effort to improve our most vulnerable children’s experience at their schools. We hear decision-makers say “we support all kids,” but we haven’t seen action that would follow through.

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Teach Truth in CBSD
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

Teach Truth in CBSD

Americans of all ages deserve nothing less than a free and open exchange about history and the forces that shape our world today, an exchange that should take place inside the classroom as well as in the public realm generally.

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Civics Education: something (we think) we can all agree on in Central Bucks.
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

Civics Education: something (we think) we can all agree on in Central Bucks.

Our ears perked up to hear our school board speak last month about revising our social studies curriculum with an eye to increasing Civics education. 

Great idea! 

If there is one thing we think we can all agree on, it is the importance of preparing our kids to be informed and engaged participants in our 21st-century democracy.

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It’s about issues: Central Bucks Policy 109.2, Central Bucks Policy 321, not individuals.
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

It’s about issues: Central Bucks Policy 109.2, Central Bucks Policy 321, not individuals.

We read an article recently that named one of the people behind the 60+ book challenges in CB.

We experienced a sense of dread. 

Journalists must do their work. Perhaps that person asked to be named, was proud to be named. But we fear what may happen next. 

Our community, like our nation, has not distinguished itself in recent months for the respectful tone of its debates. We fear that the named person may experience threats and epithets that will help nothing and instead do great harm. It will place all the focus on the individual. It’s not a one-sided phenomenon. But we question its benefit. We know it harms individuals. Does it help anyone’s cause? We doubt it.

Our focus needs to be on books: books on shelves for kids to read, and liberty: freedom to explore diverse ideas, perspectives, and topics.

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Freedom to teach, freedom to read, freedom to be LGBT: win the primary!
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

Freedom to teach, freedom to read, freedom to be LGBT: win the primary!

We are delighted that the candidates that are invested in the freedom to read and the freedom to learn, and committed to best-practices, teacher-trusted education won, AND that they had bi-partisan support. Now their focus will turn to November, and ours remains where it always was: on policy.

Fortunately, yesterday's primary results, including significant bi-partisan support for good governance and great education, should encourage everyone fighting for the things our kids need.

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Reasons why books should not be banned.
C.B. Quoyle C.B. Quoyle

Reasons why books should not be banned.

We were distressed, angered, and unsurprised to learn Friday that two books—Gender Queer and This Book is Gay—have been removed, silently and without announcement, from Central Bucks libraries (Gender Queer was at one HS and This Book is Gay was at one MS. Beyond Magenta, Lawn Boy, and Me and Earl and the Dying Girl remain.)

There are times when “I told you so” are the four saddest words to speak. We wish this day had never come. We worked very hard to prevent the library policy that enables the district to ban these and potentially many other books, but in the teeth of ferocious meddling by national groups, we failed. Friday was a loss for Central Bucks students and for our reputation as a bastion of learning.

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