Wait, What?

Week 1 of School Wrap-up

We hope all CB teachers are having a terrific weekend and are resting after the confusion brought upon them by their own admin.

This week the vagueness of CB’s new policies proved to be as confusing as we all thought they would be. We now know that was by design. By keeping everything vague and self-contradictory, by sending mixed messages and no clear message, our admin has managed to confuse both teachers and parents. 

These vague policies do make ONE thing clear: “Parental rights” of a few parents trump the professionalism, education, and experience of all our teachers. Our admin and board must think parents want the right to chaos.

In Case You Missed It:

  • On Friday 8/26, an email was sent to all science teachers stating they now needed permission from parents to teach the science textbooks

  • Shortly after, a second email was sent, explaining the first was sent in error. (This was a great relief. It would be highly worrisome if the only human anatomy any kid ever saw in a textbook was of stick figure cartoons drawn by previous students in those same textbooks.)

  • Then, on Friday 9/2 Supt. Lucabaugh and Asst. Supt. Malone sent a third email stating that ‘visual depictions of nudity,’ ‘implied nudity,’ or ‘sexual acts’ are problematic only “when they exist for the purpose of sexual stimulation or gratification.”

Wait, What?

The email continued: “It is our stance that this threshold (for the purpose of stimulation or gratification) does not reside within the existing, board-approved curriculum; therefore, you will not need to secure parent consent related to this policy in our syllabus or coursework.”

Wait, What?

We are left with several questions:

  1. Where does it say anything at all about “sexual stimulation or gratification” in the policy? Those words do not appear. So how is that the intent of the policy, if the policy doesn’t say so?

  2. Do the superintendent, assistant superintendent, and the majority members on the school board really believe teachers are teaching anything with the purpose of stimulating or gratifying kids sexually? This is absurd, and quite frankly, concerning. 

  3. What is going to happen in our Advanced Placement courses? The Board 6 have taken aim at all sexual content. AP classes are supposed to be college level classes, which include sexual content in literature and in biology and anatomy. Are they willing to leave our kids unprepared for their AP tests?

  4. Why are we trying to make teachers’ jobs harder and more confusing on the heels of the most stressful years ever for teachers? Why aren’t we focused on teacher retention strategies, and better ways to support them, when districts across the nation are suffering alarming teacher shortages?

  5. Why are we wasting everyone’s time making up a problem that doesn’t exist when so many real problems need our attention? Our children are suffering from off-the-charts anxiety and depression, learning and social development deficiencies, food insecurity, and bullying; is a fake problem adults created really what we should be focusing on now? Or is this another way to deflect our attention from urgent issues, like school shootings?

But Wait, There’s More Chaos from CBSD

  • Librarians report that book orders placed in June have not arrived. They’ve been told that the admin awaits the Administrative Resolution that defines the new library policy before any books can be added. That policy was passed in July. So we can all rest easy knowing that CB is implementing policies before they’re voted upon or even written. Also, our kids have no new books to read this year.

  • Students report that library shelves look empty.

  • Teachers report hiding or boxing up their classroom libraries.

  • Local “parents’ rights” groups are devising statements of no-no topics and behaviors for teachers, and mustering a movement to force our teachers to agree to this censorship. 

  • Some teachers now feel compelled to send home consent forms for parents to sign just so they can teach their textbooks and courses.

Tired of disgruntled school board members and administrators forcing good teachers out of our district? 

Do Something! 

  • Email your kids’ teachers and tell them how much you appreciate them. Find something you loved from the first week of school and tell them about it. They need our love and support now more than ever.

  • Ask the school board when our children will have access to new books. Write to Dr. Lucabaugh and Mr. Malone and teaching anything for the purpose of arousing kids sexually. Ask them if they believe this is an actual problem.

Important Links:

Advocates for Inclusive Education

CBSD School Board Watch on TikTok

CBSD School Board Contact Information


Take Action

C.B. Quoyle

In 1993, Annie Proulx’s novel The Shipping News was published and won the Pulitzer Prize. It tells the story of a newly widowed man who has never known any luck or much love, who moves to Newfoundland with his aunt and two young children. There he finds a home. He writes for the local newspaper and because he’s a good listener and sensitive writer, he is awarded his own column: “The Shipping News.”


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