Thoughts on the ongoing train wreck

Oct. 11 School Board meeting recap

There were approximately ten Moms for Liberty speakers in favor of Policy 321, which calls upon teachers to quit “indoctrinating” students and “coercing” them to nefarious points of view and also codifies the banning of Pride flags and any other symbols of “politicization.”

We also heard at least twenty five speakers against these needless and harmful measures. That’s two-and-one-half to one.

Our three dauntless board members spoke out eloquently and cogently. They asked how an identity can be reduced to a belief; where is the evidence we need this policy; how was it written and why so rushed; what else will it open the door to, for if we are to welcome all beliefs, must we also accept Naziism? White supremacy? and couldn’t we please pause and discuss before we rush headlong into a dystopian hellscape? 

Evidently the answer to the last question was no, because not one of the 6 defended or even explained any aspect of the proposed policy.

Special recognition goes to Mrs. Vlasblom, whose evident personal animosity toward Mrs. Smith cannot be contained.  We don’t know whether to be more alarmed or amused at her childish and gratuitous snapping. Keep talking, Mrs. Smith!  Mrs. Vlasblom is sure to blow! 

Some points raised by the Moms Against Anybody Else’s Liberty were:

  • Don’t lead my child away from my values and into transition

  • I do not co-parent with anyone

  • Pride flags “elevate” the LGBTQ kids over other kids

(Plus some extreme conspiracy-inspired nonsense. This remark was overheard: “Oh my gosh. Thank you, Karl Marx.” + references to the KGB. Not making this up. This is the crew CB is attracting more of.) 

In response:

  • Teachers do not lead kids toward any identity. They must greet the kids where they are and be open to all the students, whatever that means to the student.

  • Teachers have no desire to co-parent. It’s enough work to teach. But they would very much appreciate if people would back off and allow them to do their work. They do not co-teach with admin or parents.

  • The idea that standing up for kids who harm and kill themselves at higher rates is somehow diminishing other kids—that’s just cruel.  “To privilege, equality looks like oppression.” This is the victim paranoia. 

  • The so-called “neutrality” is also logically impossible to follow through. For example, on St. Patrick’s Day, many teachers decorate their room with glossy green shamrocks. Does this “elevate” Irish Catholics? Will we force teachers either to abandon seasonal décor or require they include orange out of respect for Irish Protestants? And what about the other nationalities? If you celebrate one Saint’s Day, must you celebrate them all? And is this the promotion of religion, because Patrick was, in fact, made a saint?

A parable for the times:

There were four people sitting at a table, waiting for their food to be served. There would be plenty of food for all, no matter how many at the table. A fifth person approached them. “May I sit down and share the food?” 

If they scoot aside and pull up another chair, are they diminished? Does making room for a fifth person, which for a short period of time means the others must shuffle over, elevate the fifth person and make them more than the other four?

Important Links:

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C.B. Quoyle

In 1993, Annie Proulx’s novel The Shipping News was published and won the Pulitzer Prize. It tells the story of a newly widowed man who has never known any luck or much love, who moves to Newfoundland with his aunt and two young children. There he finds a home. He writes for the local newspaper and because he’s a good listener and sensitive writer, he is awarded his own column: “The Shipping News.”




Wait, What?